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ITIA Round Table with Lord Rowan Williams

We are delighted to welcome Lord Rowan Williams to ITIA, within the School of Divinity at St Andrews, on August 2nd for a round table, celebrating his many contributions to theology and the arts (as scholar, poet and…

ArC_Art in Conversation

ITIA’s own Professor Judith Wolfe, in collaboration with colleagues from the School of Divinity, has received significant funding from the Templeton Foundation to work with scholars from within the University of St.…

Gerard Manley Hopkins Podcast, Easter 2021

For Easter 2021, ITIA’s Dr Rebekah Lamb (University of St Andrews, Trustee of the Christian Heritage Centre at Stonyhurst) joined Dr Michael D. Hurley (University of Cambridge, Chairman of the Christian Heritage Centre…

Transept Exhibition 2020 — Call for Submissions

CALLING ARTISTS … of all media! ITIA Transept Exhibition 2020 — Call for Submissions Transept, a group of artist practitioners and theologians within ITIA (The Institute for Theology, Imagination and the Arts) at the…

ITIA Sacred Music MLitt Launches

We are very pleased to share that our new MLitt in Sacred Music has launched and we are accepting applications for Fall 2020 entry. The MLitt in Sacred Music offers a unique interdisciplinary formation in Sacred Music…

Contact us

School of Divinity
St Mary's College
St Andrews
KY16 9JU
Fife, Scotland, UK

Phone: +44 (0)1334 462850