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Research Seminar

During the academic year, ITIA postgraduates, faculty and guests meet most Fridays of the term from 11.00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.

Location: St Mary’s College Hall

For questions regarding the seminar, or to sign-up for the members’ list, email the research seminar coordinator: Dr Rebekah Lamb ([email protected])



31 January Professor George Corbett (St Andrews), ‘DANTE AND BEATRICE: Rescuing Dante from Infamy and Beatrice from Boccaccio’


7 February Victoria Costa (St Andrews),  ‘A New Kind of Future’: Music and Liturgical Time in the Easter Season’

14 February   Dr Michael Downes (St Andrews),  Dr Jeremy Thurlow (Cambridge), and Dr. Ineke van ‘t Spijker (Cambridge), ‘‘Four places of the soul’: Augustine’s Philosophical Struggles with Solitude and Sociability and their Resonance Today.’

21 February Dr Gavin Hopps (St Andrews), ‘Enchantment in Romantic Literature.’

28 February  Professor David Brown (St Andrews),  ‘Introducing Gospel as Work of Art’


3 March Spring Vacation [No Seminar]

14 March  Conversations on The Theological Imagination (Cambridge UP) by Professor Judith Wolfe (St Andrews)

21 March Book Launch for Tolkien and the Mystery of Literary Creation (Cambridge UP) by Professor Giuseppe Pezzini (Oxford)

28 March Benjamin Holstein, Topic TBC


4 April  Dr Eleanor Parker(Oxford), ‘Gazing with the Heart: Truth and Wisdom in Anglo-Saxon Proverbs’.’

11 April  Independent Learning Week [No seminar]

18 April  Good Friday [No seminar]

25 April  Professor Margarita Mooney Clayton (Princeton Theological Seminary), ‘The Life of Mary in Art and Scripture’ (Title TBC)

Contact us

School of Divinity
St Mary's College
St Andrews
KY16 9JU
Fife, Scotland, UK

Phone: +44 (0)1334 462850