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Kimberley Jane Anderson


Hometown: Hertfordshire/North London, UK
Education: MA (Hons, First Class) English Literature, University of St Andrews
MLitt (Distinction) Theology, Imagination and the Arts, University of St Andrews

Academic Interests
Kimberley (Billie)’s academic life has been centred around two very different, yet complementary areas of interest. Her MLitt dissertation, inspired by the work of her supervisor Judith Wolfe, used Heidegger’s philosophy of the self in Being in Time to explore self-fashionings in Shakespearean drama; previously she also investigated comparable themes in the works of Ben Jonson and John Donne.

Her prime interest for the PhD, however, will be 20th century rock music, in which similar dramatic close reading skills can be applied to a medium that carries profound meaning for many people, yet has enjoyed less attention as an aesthetic and philosophical phenomenon. Currently she is exploring definitions of music as an affectively communicative practice; later on she hopes to twine together the music of Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and Genesis in defining a subgenre of progressive rock which, at its core, draws on an idea of being ‘sacramental’.

Kimberley is also delighted to be working in partnership with a musical composer to produce a choral piece for ITIA’s TheoArtistry project which explores the haunting issues of masculinity and spiritual experience.

Other Information
As well as being a PhD student, Kimberley is a waitress and hospitality enthusiast. She is part of the team at Transpositions, the online blog created by graduate students at ITIA. When time allows, she writes music as the remote part of a band, Anderson & Sargent, based in Germany; and she would love to get to know personally those involved in the St Andrews music scene.


Contact us

School of Divinity
St Mary's College
St Andrews
KY16 9JU
Fife, Scotland, UK

Phone: +44 (0)1334 462850