Katelynn Carver
Education: MTS, Religion and the Sciences / Religion, Literature, and Culture, Harvard Divinity School, Harvard University
BS Hons. Psychology, Baldwin Wallace University
BA Hons, History and Religion, Baldwin Wallace University
Thesis Topic
A Postsecular, Process-Oriented Theopoetics of Virginia Woolf—exploring connections to process theology and both the spiritual and palliative functions of writing as a creative act—under the supervision of Gavin Hopps.
Other Information
Resolutely dedicated to rigorous and innovative interdisciplinarity, Katelynn’s professional expertise and training encompass a number of fields, focusing on the potential embedded in their interstices. Her research projects and areas of interest span various fields, including process metaphysics, philosophy of religion, religious literacy, literature and literary theory, poetics, theopoetics, multicultural pedagogy and inclusive praxis, popular culture studies, WWII and Holocaust studies, genocide studies, psychology, neuroscience, moral injury, public mental health, trauma theory, Girardian mimetics, authoritarianism and propaganda studies, groupthink and crowd psychology.
Katelynn firmly believes that scholarship breathes best when balanced not only with one’s everyday life and interests, but also with work of service outside of writing the thesis. She has nearly a decade of experience in various areas of higher education administration, including work at both Ivy League and Liberal Arts institutions in the areas of Admissions (undergraduate and graduate), Academic Advising, Financial Aid, Student Life, Professional Development, Religious and Spiritual Life/Chaplaincy, Research/Statistical Analysis, and Bibliographic Development, including serving on the Graduate Degree Admissions Committee for Harvard Divinity School, Harvard University.
Currently, she serves as Religion, Arts and Culture Section Editor for Religious Studies Review; Cultural Impact and Materiality Advisor for Transpositions: Theology, Imagination and the Arts; and a Signing Member of the European Society for Process Thought. Previously, she has served as Editorial Assistant for the Journal of Inklings Studies; Editor of Guest Contributions for Transpositions: Theology, Imagination and the Arts; Inaugural Blogger-In-Residence for the Scottish Graduate School of Arts and Humanities; Digital Content Manager for the National Latin@ Network (a project of Casa de Esperanza); Managing Editor for The Graduate Journal of Harvard Divinity School; Managing Editor and Launch Designer for Conspiracies: A Publication of the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life; Editor and Inaugural Director of The Harvard Divinity School Admissions Blog; Launch Director for The Harvard Divinity School Admissions Ambassador Program; Contributing Scholar at State of Formation; and Academic Consultant, providing education policy research and reporting, for various international organisations.
Contact Information
[email protected]